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Working with a Real Estate Agent

Tips for Home Buyers: Working with a Real Estate Agent

Buying a home can be a daunting task, but a good real estate agent can be incredibly valuable –especially as it relates to finding the right home and helping to negotiate price.
Cara Ameer, a broker associate affiliated with Coldwell Banker Vanguard Realty in Ponte Vedra, Fla., explained it best to Fox Business. "Buying or selling a home is likely the single largest transaction you will ever make, and you don’t want to trust that investment with just anyone," said Ameer. "You want to be careful and do your due diligence."

Recognizing a Real Estate Agent's Expertise

Since you are the one who will be living in the home, it's hard to imagine that anyone will understand your needs better than you. However, it is important to remember that real estate agents are experts when it comes to buying a home, often with years of experience. They also have insider knowledge on your particular market, such as how long a home typically stays on market, whether the home is priced correctly, and how it compares to other listings in the area.

Communicating with Your Real Estate Agent

Often when going through the home buying process, you will need to spend time walking through homes with your agent that aren’t quite right. While this requires patience, it will ultimately help you and your agent refine your search so that you both know what to look for in a home and what you want. Once agents have a specific concept of the type of home to find, they can better serve you.

Understanding Your Needs in the Perfect Home versus Your Wants

Sometimes you start with a long wish list, but slowly realize that you can’t get everything you want with your current budget. This is where an agent can come in handy. A real estate professional can help you define your must-haves versus your "nice to haves," and help you find a home that fits your needs.

Trusting Your Real Estate Agent

Trust applies not only to judgments on whether a property is right, but also on price and other factors. In fact, trust is crucial once you begin negotiations.
When it comes time to make an offer on a home, remember that your agent has experience in both the negotiation process and your local market. This makes him or her best suited to evaluate what is a fair price. While an agent cannot make all negotiation decisions on your behalf, you can greatly benefit from his or her advice.

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